Most Concealable Glock - The Glock 43 is just that, a compact 9mm with stealth and comfort in mind. The 43 is the predecessor to the updated 43x, which significantly improves on key aspects of the original Glock 43. The problem is that the Glock 43 itself is a great gun. Read on to see my thoughts on the Glock 43.

Of course, it's designed with concealed carry in mind. The Glock 43 is very small and fits well in a pocket (or safe), as well as on the leg and in various bags. This pistol is the largest size of any type you'll want to carry, but it does have its limitations.

Most Concealable Glock

Most Concealable Glock

There aren't many stock magazines. You'll only be good for six rounds, which is a big problem for me. In a serious situation, I think six rounds will cut it, especially since the adrenaline rush and gunshots tend to be more than you'd expect. You will love the joke.

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Let's talk about recovery. Bottom line for accessories: it's always shitty. These frames aren't enough to dampen the sharp force of the 9mm, so you'll find that recoil is a lot harder than the compact. The kick is amazing but uncontrollable. That way I won't be 43 if I don't have a drill.

43 maintains the credibility of the Glock brand. I've only experienced a few jams in 1000 rounds. A reliable carry is an important aspect of choosing a pistol. 43 if you want to carry it. It may not disappoint you.

Clarity is decent. I usually don't go beyond 25 yards when it comes to subs and the Glock 43 performed very well at that range. I did

I have a problem where I feel like I'm getting a little shaky when listening. After that problem was resolved, the 43-year-old was good for 25 yards.

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Admittedly, I really like the look of the Glock 43. It's the same as the compact G19 and the full-size G17, only slightly smaller. It's still a Glock in performance and looks.

At $499, it's the same as the Gen 4 Glock. I haven't had a chance to buy it or appreciate it as a collector's item.

The Glock 43 is nice, but obviously not what I would buy. It performs well, but lacks power, and the recoil is not pleasant (which is especially important when considering gifting), but if you like Glocks, then this would be a pretty good addition to your collection. To withdraw money.

Most Concealable Glock

Richard Douglas is a longtime shooter, field enthusiast and technician. He is the founder and editor of Scopes Field and a writer for The National Interest, Cheap Dirt, The Daily Caller, and other publications. When the company finally released a compact 9mm that wasn't as small as the Model 26, the six-plus-one-capacity Glock 43 was picked up by EDC when it was new.

Best Glock Pistols: The Ultimate Guide For Glock Shooters

This relatively flat gun is easy to conceal, yet large enough to handle heavy shooting duties. All the controls are in the same places, the same polymer sights and trigger are made as my Gen 4 Glock 17, and it was easy to handle because of its familiarity. There is no thumb safety to remember, no catch safety in case of accidental withdrawal, and no mile-long trigger or hair trigger. The slider is thin enough to fit into the waistband, but not so thin that the handling is subtle rather than coarse motor movement. If you're left-handed, magic skipping is reset.

I have carried this 43 for several years and achieved high results in several qualifications. A couple of students also bought themselves a 43, and shooting the little matches with the same model rifle is a lot of fun. 43s have helped us all be more prepared because they were our everyday weapons.

Like its larger Glock counterparts, the 43 never malfunctioned. No matter what popular brand or hull type it was, my partner ran it with total reliability like a '43.

One minor aspect of the 43 is that, unlike other Glocks in my collection, the magazines are not interchangeable between guns. The 43 mag's impressive not-so-double-folding configuration isn't the same as the standard, certainly wider standard Glock.

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Seven rounds in total is not a lot. I always carry extra spells when I carry 43 just for peace of mind.

A few years after the release of the 43, Glock released its successor, the 43X. It's just like the 43, the same bores fit both guns, but the 43X has a 10-round mag for that little extra. I borrowed a friend's 43X to try and found it too long to hold. So I'm 43 and stuck for a while. At one point I tried the next eight-round magazine, but it only cycled properly after seven rounds. This magic size caused the same problem I had with the 43X. So I pocketed the six-point magnet from the gun.

One great thing about the 43 and 43X is that they have a lot of holsters. IWB, OWB, you name it, every holster manufacturer including Bravo Concealment makes a 43/43X rifle. This is a great resource because deciding on a holster is sometimes a more difficult task than choosing a gun. The same goes for the following view options.

Most Concealable Glock

It's been a while since I first bought a .43, and other companies have started making concealed carry rifles with the same footprint as .43s but with comparable massive mag capabilities. Sig Sauer first launched the P365 with its 10-round magazine, and soon had factory 12- and 15-round magazines that fit and function well. Taurus follows G2C and is compatible with 12 round magnets. Then Springfield Armory shook up the concealed carry world with the 13+1 Hellcat, packed in the same size package as the P365. All of these guns are just over 43 inches thick, and their overall length is as close to concealed carry nirvana as the market offers.

Shooting Review: The Glock 30s

It's a shame that Glock has yet to step up their high-powered, carry-oriented rifles. The 43 is a reliable stealth shooter, but has been overtaken in usability by newer, higher-capacity accessories. However, 43 Markets still adds a $500 bid on many markets. The combination of these factors is why I recently turned 43 and the Little Sig seems to have taken its place as my rifle of choice and can save that money for a new rifle I have my eye on.

If you're considering buying a 43 or already own one, don't let this put you off. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's no longer the leader in terms of capacity and concealment.

Eva Flanagan is a defensive shooter and concealed carry living in the American Southwest. Today he works full time as a gun industry guide and writer. Flanagan enjoys helping new and veteran shooters develop the skills they need to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The average consumer is more educated than ever. More and more people are choosing to join the official…

Glock Makes Some Of The World's Best Firearms: Meet Their 5 Best Guns

Blessed are those who think only of the front in the face of death! - Col. Jeff Cooper What I've Seen... Let's take a look at some of the top candidates for the Glock, your next potential carry pistol. What makes them different, and which one might be best for you?

If you've already decided to carry a Glock, congratulations! You will join the ranks of millions of defensive shooters around the world. In addition to making some of the most popular handguns on the planet, Glock also offers some options for civilian protection.

Glock has a reputation for making some of the most reliable (and affordable) guns in the world. These durable guns are made from high strength nylon base Polymer 2 invented by Gaston Glock himself. This lightweight plastic is made for increased strength and is harder than most steel alloys. Polymer 2 is corrosion, moisture, extreme temperature and impact resistant.

Most Concealable Glock

Glock also makes its popular semi-automatic pistols with fewer parts than other designs. Most other pistols are twice the size of a standard Glock. This means that the Glock has fewer parts to break or malfunction, increasing the level of reliability.

Concealed Carry Corner: The Perfect Size Carry Gun The Firearm Blog


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